Register As An i-Hospitality Alliance USA Vendor

Who can become a vendor?

As a vendor partner, your company will have access to our large membership base by having a listing in our vendor directory. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available to increase exposure to our membership base. We welcome any company whose product or service will provide benefits for our membership base.

Individuals/companies include:

  • Professional services
  • Consulting services
  • Real estate brokers
  • Finance brokers
  • Marketing services

If you are interested in becoming a vendor partner with i-Hospitality USA Alliance, please fill out our vendor form. An alliance representative will contact you to discuss our vendor membership and sponsorship opportunities.

Our Sponsors and Partners

There are multiple tiers for vendors with a variety of benefits. A basic annual vendor membership fee is $750 which includes a listing in our member directory. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available and described in the table below. Please click the ‘Contact Us’ button for a Board Member to discuss opportunities that would be best suited for your organization.

Sponsorship Tiers